Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 9

Moss Moss everywhere at Symphony Park in Peabody, Massachusetts! Wow, this is week 9 and it feels like just yesterday I was picking my location. This week, it was a glorious day just like it has been for the past few weeks I have done my blog post. I saw and heard more birds this week just like the past few Sundays but the moss really stuck out to me this week. My sister came to the park with me and pointed it out and asked "Sam can we take a picture of this fuzzy green stuff"? We took pictures and then I remembered the "myth" about Moss only growing on the North side of the tree. My sister thought I was just making that up so of course I had to prover her wrong! I went home and did my research. The website I found proved that the statement is in fact a myth! According to the website moss can grow on the North, South, East or West side of the tree as long as there is their is enough moisture ( I bet lots of people did not know this because I sure as hell did not! I was believing a myth all of my life! I hope some of you will read this and learn that you too learn that you have been believing a myth! Happy Spring! See you all next week!
"Strange Days: Myth Busters." Moss Growth. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.


  1. Very interesting, but still confused about this subject as I have been told both sides numerous times by fairly reliable sources. Hopefully I don't get lost w/out a compass or cell phone anytime soon.

  2. I think the genuine answer is, "No, moss doesn't grow ONLY on the north side of trees, but since the north side is shadier and thus stays wetter, MORE moss will tend to grow on the north side, all other things being equal."
