Monday, April 28, 2014

Week 11

Another glorious day at Symphony Park it was! Unlike the last few weeks, minus last week when I found some ant hills, I found some things coming to life! This week I found some plants starting to break through the ground. This is so exciting! I did not hear much this week except a few birds but I did not see them. After looking around the park a bit more looking for more plant like creatures I decided to settle for what I got this week. I spent a long time looking at these pictures before doing research. The roots look like asparagus to me but I knew that was not what was growing at the park. The roots looked familiar to me almost like it was something that was growing in my yard so I asked my mother. She said yes we do have them growing in our yard they are known to be called hostas'. I did some research and she was correct as far as we can see! This website shows almost a picture identical to the one I took at the park, the same color roots and everything. On this website it says that this plant is over 100 years old, but after learning about extinctions and everything else in class 100 years seems like nothing to me now! These are extremely new plants as far as I am concerned!
"Hosta Garden Beginning to Wake up." Hosta Garden Beginning to Wake up. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.

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