Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 6

Finally it feels like Spring at Symphony Park! Well, maybe it doesn't feel like Spring but it sure looks like it! The snow is almost completely gone and finally there is some wild life! My boyfriend came to the park with me this week and said "look at the birds" and I was so excited because I had not seen them once since I was doing this blog! The most we saw was five but it was still more than there has been for the past six weeks! It was nice to hear the wild life as well this week because it was getting a bit too quiet for my liking! There were a few people playing basketball too this week because the court was all clear of snow, that is a good sign! Any sign of Spring is good enough for me, I am sick of the cold and the wind!

I did some research on the birds that we saw at the park. My guess was that they were Robins but I had to be sure. I found that it is an American Robin, the picture on the site looks identical to the pictures I took at the park. In the article, it says that they make an early appearance at the end of Winter which would make sense since we are approaching the end of Winter ( It also talks about Robin's habitat which is where it says that they are found at parks ( This information proves to me that this is indeed an American Robin and I am also pleased that this is a sign of Spring on the way!

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  1. It is amazing to finally have the spring feeling! Now we can start writing and learning out many animals :]

  2. I love robins! Their eggs are always on the ground around my house.
