Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 6

Finally it feels like Spring at Symphony Park! Well, maybe it doesn't feel like Spring but it sure looks like it! The snow is almost completely gone and finally there is some wild life! My boyfriend came to the park with me this week and said "look at the birds" and I was so excited because I had not seen them once since I was doing this blog! The most we saw was five but it was still more than there has been for the past six weeks! It was nice to hear the wild life as well this week because it was getting a bit too quiet for my liking! There were a few people playing basketball too this week because the court was all clear of snow, that is a good sign! Any sign of Spring is good enough for me, I am sick of the cold and the wind!

I did some research on the birds that we saw at the park. My guess was that they were Robins but I had to be sure. I found that it is an American Robin, the picture on the site looks identical to the pictures I took at the park. In the article, it says that they make an early appearance at the end of Winter which would make sense since we are approaching the end of Winter ( It also talks about Robin's habitat which is where it says that they are found at parks ( This information proves to me that this is indeed an American Robin and I am also pleased that this is a sign of Spring on the way!

Work Cited:

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mammal Madness

Here I have covered two of the four brackets for the Mammal Madness competition, the Social Animals and the Marine Animals. These are the two brackets that will eventually be the two champion brackets competing against each other.
Social Animals
Qualifying Round
Match 1: Hyenas + Titi Monkeys
Winner: Hyena's because in any environment they can eat and attack the titi monkey because of size alone.

Match 2: Jackals + Mandrill
Winner: Jackals because jackals are closely related to wolves, dogs and coyotes. They can fight and kill in any environment and have canine teeth. They are adapted to hunt mammals, birds and reptiles.

Match 3: Dingoes + Army Ants
Winner: Army Ants because Dingoes are not equipped to fight bugs.

Match 4: Hamadryas + Meerkats
Winner: Hamadryas because they are much bigger than Meerkats. Meerkats only adapt in the desert and will not be able to fight anywhere else.

Match 5: Tibetan Macaque Vs Beavers
Winner: Tibetan Macaque because Beavers have limited limb range and Tibetan Macaque are much larger than Beavers.

Match 6: Wild Dogs + Marmot
Winner: Wild Dogs because they are faster than Marmot's and they are always looking for food and the Marmot's are prey. They are like coyotes when talking about speed.

Match 7: Ethiopian Wolf + Bush Dog
Winner: Ethiopian Wolf because they are faster than Bush Dogs. They travel in packs unlike Bush Dogs.

Match 8: Musk Oxen + Hyrax
Winner: Musk Oxen because they are enormous! They weigh about 600 pounds and a hyrax weighs about five to eleven pounds. The Musk Oxen can eat the Hyrax in one bite!

Quarter Finals
Match 1: Hyenas + Jackals
Winner: Hyenas because they eat very quickly and could take a bite out of the Jackal very fast and then go for a second bite.

Match 2: Army Ants + Hamadyas
Winner: Army Ants because they travel in packs and they can beat any animal when there are thousands of them.

Match 3: Tibetan Macaque + Wild Dogs
Winner: Wild Dogs because they are hungry. They are fast and will eat anything in sight.

Match 4: Ethiopian Wolf + Musk Oxen
Winner: Ethiopian Wolfs because they have teeth and claws made to take things down such an Musk Oxen's especially if there is a pack of the Ethiopian Wolves.

Semi Finals
Match 1: Hyenas + Army Ants
Winner: Army Ants because when there is enough of them and there always will be, they can gang up on anything.

Match 2: Ethiopian Wolf + Wild Dogs
Winner: Ethiopian Wolfs strictly because of the size difference between the two animals.

Match 1: Army Ants + Ethiopian Wolf
Winner: Army Ants because when there is enough of them and there always will be, they can gang up on anything.

Marine Animals
Qualifying Round
Match 1: Orca + Sea Otter
 Winner: Orca because they are toothed whale's and killer whales. They can bite and attack anything using their teeth also can swim faster than Sea Otter's.

Match 2: Beluga Whale + Sea Lion
Winner: Beluga Whale's are two times longer than the Sea Lion and 1,000 pounds more than the Sea Lion. The teeth on the Beluga Whale are unbelievable!

Match 3: Walrus + Harbor Seal
Winner: Walrus because they can kill the Harbor Seal with their tusks alone. The Walrus weighs more than 4,000 pounds and Harbor Seals weigh about 300.

Match 4: River Dolphin + Humpback Whale
Winner: Humpback Whale because they weigh about 79,000 pounds and the River Dolphin weighs about 217 pounds. The Humpback Whale can crush the River Dolphin without even trying to fight!
Match 5: Hooded Seal + Bowhead Whale
Winner: Bowhead Whale because they are bigger in size.

Match 6: Oceanic Whitetip + Ringed Seal
Winner: Oceanic White Tip because they are sharks, their teeth alone can beat the Seal never mind their fins.

Match 7: Narwhal + Dwarf Sperm Whale
Winner: Narwhal because they weigh about 3,000 pounds and the Dwarf Sperm Whale weighs about 550 pounds. The tusk alone can kill somebody as well.

Match 8: Manatee + Polar Bear
Winner: Polar Bear because they have four legs and a Manatee does not! They are also well adapted to being out of water where as a Manatee is not which could be a problem depending on where they will be fighting.

Quarter Finals
Match 1: Orca + Beluga Whale
Winner: Orca because first of all they are much bigger in size than the Beluga Whale. They are more aggressive as well.

Match 2: Walrus + Humpback Whale
Winner: Humpback Whale because they are faster than Walrus' and they do not need to live in shallow water like Walrus' do. They can lose the Walrus by going deep into the ocean.

Match 3: Bowhead Whale + Oceanic Whitetip
Winner: Oceanic Whitetip because this is a shark and has large teeth to bite the whale and will be able to out swim the whale as well.

Match 4: Narwhal + Polar Bear
Winner: Narwhal because they have the huge tusk that can be used to hurt anyone especially a polar bear because they are big, they are not fast enough to escape or to fight back.

Semi Finals
Match 1: Orca + Humpback Whale
Winner: Orca because they have very strong teeth that will hurt anyone and they are bigger than the Humpback Whale.

Match 2: Oceanic Whitetip + Narwhal
Winner: Narwhal because they have the tusk that can be used to hurt anyone even though the Oceanic Whitetip is thin and fast.

Match 1: Narwhal + Orca
Winner: Narwhal because the tusk would beat the Orca even though they have teeth just like the Narwhal.

Championship Match
Narwhal vs. Army Ants

Winner: Narwhal because it wins all the living things it goes up against. Its tusk was the reason that the Narwhal beat everyone it came in contact with, it is strong and nobody has one quite like it.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 4

A beautiful Sunday March morning at Symphony Park and the proof is in the pictures! Not a person in sight but absolutely a beautiful day! No animal in sight, no cars, nothing. I hear little to no noise, a few dogs barking from the houses across the street but nothing on the actual park is making any noise. 
 This picture was the first interesting thing that I saw on Sunday morning. I assume it was a dog's paw prints, so I did a little research. What kind of dog is this from? Which legs? I think this might be from a domestic dog's hind legs (Cabrera). They look very similar to what it describes in this link I have provided (Cabrera). I knew their were different types of dogs obviously and small and large dogs but I never thought their were so many paw prints!

 This week I got to go into the park which I had not been able to do because of the snow. I found this book under one of the slides in the park. It is clearly a college book, it is just interesting to me because who would want to study under a slide in the park with all the wood chips?! It is very uncomfortable if you ask me! Maybe it was the only place that would be quiet enough for them to study, after all like I have said for four weeks now, there is not much noise at all! I wish I was able to go into the park weeks ago because I am curious to how long this book has been here.
 Approaching this stick, I was nervous because from a distance it looked like a snake to me. I was prepared to scream but knew I had to get close enough to at least get a picture of it because it would have been the first animal I have seen in a month! Turns out it was just a boring old stick but it still has a cool shape to it!

See you all next week!

Work Cited: Cabrera, Kim A. "Animal Tracks - Domestic Dog." Animal Tracks - Domestic Dog. N.p., 1997. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 3

Hello again from Symphony Park in Peabody Massachusetts! Today was in the 30's and sunny so the snow has melted a little bit today which is exciting!! I took the second and third picture because you can finally see the ground with no snow! Does this mean spring is coming?! I don't think so, we couldn't be that lucky. Still their were no people here that has been the same for the last three weeks. There was not one car that went past me today which is unusual. I did not see one person or one car besides my own. This is sad because the park is getting no use but it is the winter time so this is expected. It is a good thing because it is peaceful with no noise besides an occasional chirp from a bird. I spelt the cold winter air, no smell of people grilling hot dogs and hamburgers this week!I saw dirty snow, I hate dirty snow. I love snow but not when it is dirty, I have no use for it when it is dirty. It looked like some people had been there in the last few days because there were some footsteps besides my own. When will the children be back? Definitely not this week, that is for sure!